Waterval Learning Dutch in Maastricht

Upper-intermediate Dutch

After reaching B1 level, there’s just one level separating you from talking and writing fluently in Dutch. At B2 level, you’re not only able to talk without much difficulty about practical situations and plans, but also to express opinions and theories – all this without too many mistakes. This course will help you close the gap between the two. The subjects this course covers can also be of a more theoretical nature: culture, health care, psychology, legal matters. Grammar is
* about treating separable verbs (“Ik reken(de) alles af”),
* the durative/continuous (“Ik ben aan het eten” = “Ik zit te eten.”), * the conditional (“Ik zou het doen.” = “Ik deed het.”).
At this level, class is first and foremost about speaking – and speaking about the things you have written for class. Urgent personal and/or political matters are treated too. Thus, you’ll reach the B2 level, enough for the Dutch State Exam level II. Some specific preparation is necessary to pass the exam, which gives you direct access to more theoretical (white collar) jobs and higher education in Dutch. So if you want to do some academic studies in Dutch, you need this course.

Toelichting agenda:

Zie de website voor de juiste startdatum

Begin- en eindtijd cursusdagen meerdaags:

Zie de website voor de juiste startdatum


Itersondomein 26 a
T 043 3616 072
M 06 23 04 50 39
E info@waterval.info