Waterval Learning Dutch in Maastricht

Intermediate Dutch

When you know how to survive within the Dutch language (area), it’s time for Intermediate Dutch. A2 level means you know the basics of Dutch, foremost the present and perfect, and the three main sentence structures. You know how to deal with most practical situations, like talking in a barbershop or a boutique. But for finding a job in the Netherlands or Flanders, and for working as such, you need a little more. Like: a larger vocabulary, the ability to give precise instructions and explanations – things you need on the work floor. We’ll focus on things like cooking, housekeeping, sports, and, of course, work. We’ll deal with the imperfect tense and repeat the sentence structures. Thus, you’ll reach the level for the Dutch State Exam (level I), and with some preparation you’ll be ready to do it. This exam gives you direct access to more practical (executive technical) jobs, and education for those jobs. Also, you don’t need to do the cumbersome Inburgering trajectory and exam. With this diploma (Staatsexamen NT2, level I), you’re already considered a good Dutch citizen!

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E info@waterval.info